
Achtung: Ab dem 18.07.24 bis vorauss. 20.10.24 ist die Kreuzung Holstenhofweg/Rodigallee aufgrund von Bauarbeiten in alle Richtungen nur noch einspurig je Fahrtrichtung befahrbar!

Hamburg Veterinary Specialists


is a multispecialist veterinary practice. We offer ophthalmology and dermatology for pets ... and pet owners. 


TSH is located near the Autobahn-Ausfahrt Hamburg Jenfeld, easy accessible and offers a parking lot.
If you have a referring veterinarian she/he is asked to communicate referral information by mail or phone before your visit.


phone +49 40 8888 8540


  • Normal office hours are from 8:00 to 17:00 - mo to fr
  • Phone will be answered from 8:00 to 17:00


Please call us to make an appointment !



Our veterinary specialists and doctors



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